Masumo Securities Inc, a large and well-established Securities Company from Japan. This securities company has been established for almost 20 years in Japan and is regulated. One of its Regulations is the FSA (Financial Services Agency). Masumo Securities Inc is also registered with the Japan Securities Dealers Association. Masumo Securities Inc head office is locatedbin Fukui city, Japan. A beautiful city that is a bussiness and tourist city.
While Masumo Markets (Masumofx) is a subsidiary of Masumo Securities Inc which was created specifically for the Southeast Asian market. Which in the Southeast Asian region is a large trading market, but there they still use the Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 applications for trading. Therefore, Masumofx collaborates with the Master Platform Company to create a trading application on MT4 (in the future it will also be available on MT5). While for Masumo Securities Inc, this trading application is only available to Japanese citizens. So Masumo Securities Inc cannot spread its wings directly globally. Therefore, the management of Masumo Securities Inc decided to create a subsidiary in order to expand in the Southeast Asian region. And from here Masumo Markets (Masumofx) was born

For more than 30 years, we’ve been empowering clients by helping them take control of their financial lives.


At vero eos etme accusamus iusto odio ent dignissimos deleniti atque corrupti quos ducimus moll quilla blanditiis expedita est distinctio.


At vero eos etme accusamus iusto odio ent dignissimos deleniti atque corrupti quos ducimus moll quilla blanditiis expedita est distinctio.


At vero eos etme accusamus iusto odio ent dignissimos deleniti atque corrupti quos ducimus moll quilla blanditiis expedita est distinctio.

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Reprehenderit qui in svoluptate velit esse quam molestiae vel illum qui dolorem fugiat quo.


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At vero deleniti eto accusamus blanditiis praesentium voluta iusto dignissimos ducimus.
